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Male Pregnancy is one of popular plots setting in female fanfic culture and females enjoy seeing their appreciating male characters suffering from pregnancy and becoming vulnerable. This is the embodiment of fanfic community females gazing at males and showing what these females want to see in this process. The project explores why and what females enjoy when they see Male Pregnancy, and try to create a space where the power dynamic between genders is inverted, and gives females the agency to look, feminizing and objectify the male body.

Brochure for Pregnant Male

Graduate Thesis: Male Pregnancy Part II

Illustration, Typography and Writing


Male Pregnancy is one of popular plots setting in female fanfic culture and females enjoy seeing their appreciating male characters suffering from pregnancy and becoming vulnerable. This is the embodiment of fanfic community females gazing at males and showing what these females want to see in this process. The project explores why and what females enjoy when they see Male Pregnancy, and try to create a space where the power dynamic between genders is inverted, and gives females the agency to look, feminizing and objectify the male body.

There are many setting differences in Mpreg novels. For example, how a man gets pregnant, whether he has a vagina and a uterus, whether he is able to get pregnant from a congenital deformity or an acquired artificial transformation, or even a kind of malicious enslavement that turns him into a surplus tool. From the details of the setting, we can feel the author’s attitude towards Mpreg. That’s why I’m going to try to build my own setting about Mpreg as an author, which will show my attitude and opinion about Mpreg, and what I want to convey to my audience.

This brochure is collected by The Met library (Thomas J. Watson Library).

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