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Male Pregnancy is one of popular plots setting in female fanfic culture and females enjoy seeing their appreciating male characters suffering from pregnancy and becoming vulnerable. This is the embodiment of fanfic community females gazing at males and showing what these females want to see in this process. The project explores why and what females enjoy when they see Male Pregnancy, and try to create a space where the power dynamic between genders is inverted, and gives females the agency to look, feminizing and objectify the male body.


Graduate Thesis: Male Pregnancy Part I
Mentor: Ellen Lupton, Jennifer Cole Phillips, Bobby Joe Smith III
Sculpture and Installation
Male Pregnancy is one of popular plots setting in female fanfic culture and females enjoy seeing their appreciating male characters suffering from pregnancy and becoming vulnerable. This is the embodiment of fanfic community females gazing at males and showing what these females want to see in this process. The project explores why and what females enjoy when they see Male Pregnancy, and try to create a space where the power dynamic between genders is inverted, and gives females the agency to look, feminizing and objectify the male body.
Women’s gaze and desire tend to stay in a fantasy world, and the male’s gaze and desire are more threatening and fearful to women’s feelings in real life. Female gaze is not threatening in the eyes of men and men can just igonre it easily. At the same time, these fantasy works created by females are always considered subcultural, poor quality, even pornographic, and not decent to appear in public. Therefore I want a formal physical space to make these to be seen.
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