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Male Pregnancy is one of popular plots setting in female fanfic culture and females enjoy seeing their appreciating male characters suffering from pregnancy and becoming vulnerable. This is the embodiment of fanfic community females gazing at males and showing what these females want to see in this process. The project explores why and what females enjoy when they see Male Pregnancy, and try to create a space where the power dynamic between genders is inverted, and gives females the agency to look, feminizing and objectify the male body.


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Perfect Vagina

3D-printed Sculpture

7.5 x 3.25 x 1.75 inch


Perfect Vagina is perfect because it’s not on a female’s body. This is what I have observed on some Chinese female-oriented erotic fiction platforms. On these platforms, novels featuring non-female characters with vaginas as receiving sexual partner are increasingly popular, leading the popularity rankings. The penis often appears as a marker of the non-female identity of these characters, resulting in them having both a penis and a vagina.

Within the popularity of these types of novels, I sense that many Chinese female writers and readers want to have the vaginal sexual experience of being penetrated and even being pregnant in their fantasies, but they resist characters experiencing it from a female identity. It is precisely because females can detach their physiological experiences and women identities from sexual fantasy creation that vaginas and vaginal experiences become “perfect” in this fantasy world.

What does a perfect vagina look like? I used an AI language model to analyze and extract keywords that describe these intersex external genitalia in such novels, and based on the most frequently occurring keywords, I created this sculpture.

Photo courtesy: LATITUDE Gallery New York

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