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Male Pregnancy is one of popular plots setting in female fanfic culture and females enjoy seeing their appreciating male characters suffering from pregnancy and becoming vulnerable. This is the embodiment of fanfic community females gazing at males and showing what these females want to see in this process. The project explores why and what females enjoy when they see Male Pregnancy, and try to create a space where the power dynamic between genders is inverted, and gives females the agency to look, feminizing and objectify the male body.

A Little Bit Fat is...

Personal Project

Augmented Reality


A Little Bit Fat is a projection of my inner self-image. It is a creature that is large, clumsy, and slow-moving, often getting stuck and seemingly struggling to keep pace with others. Its origins lie in my experiences during adolescence, amidst the extreme competition and prevailing meritocracy of a key high school: I felt out of place and peculiar, as if others had matured into "appropriate" adults while I remained an odd creature among them. As I grew older and got to know neuroscience, I realized that it may be related to neurodivergence. Throughout my studying in art, I experimented with various forms and mediums, gradually crafting the image of A Little Bit Fat. I would like to share A Little Bit Fat with everyone who has experienced feelings of loneliness, bewilderment, and not fitting in.

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